Mothers and Others 2012

Posted on: May 14, 2012        In: Gatherings        With: No comments


In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they my see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.  Matthew 5:16

The Mothers and Others Luncheon at Anderson Mill Baptist Church is held on the Saturday before Mother’s Day each year.  A couple of weeks ago, I showed you some tables from last year.  It is exciting to show you some of the tablescapes from this year.

Radiant was the theme of this years Mothers and Others Luncheon.  Of course the emphasis was on being Radiant for Christ.  (It is my firm belief that breaking bread together is a form of worship. I will write another blog about this someday.)  These ladies were radiant in their tablescapes.  They put so much thought, effort, and love into decorating each table.

Here is how it worked.  There were thirty-eight tables that each sat 9 to 10 people.  The hostess for each table was responsible for decorating her table.  In addition to the centerpiece, the hostesses gave us favors. (The church also gave us a nice pen and notecards as a favor.)  It is impossible to show all of the tables, but here are a few that I think you can use to piggy-back some ideas.

I am taken with the use of burlap in decorating.  This table was great.  The huge basket of sunflowers in the center of the table was breathtaking.  Look at the cut and fringed burlap used to make the place mats.  The burlap bowls were made by putting burlap squares in a mixture of Elmer’s Glue and water.  They then formed the square over a bowl, and let it dry.  Yellow ribbon and some twine finished with beads were wrapped around each bowl.  A little artificial plant, and Dove Chocolates (I wanted some) were in the bowls.  Handmade cloth butterflies finished the look.  Garden stakes were their favors.  I love this table.

Bizzy’s Bees centerpiece had picket fencing and marigolds topped with a beehive.  The Bits-of-Honey candy on the table was a nice touch.

The favors for this table were little bear bottles of local honey.  Love the scripture.  (Ignore the old hand.)

With black and yellow strongly suggested for the color theme, sunflowers were a natural for the centerpieces.  Here are a few to get you thinking.

Recipe boxes were the favors for this table.  The red really popped.

A sunflower for the napkin ring.  Pretty!

One of the ladies even wrote a poem for the guest at her table.  If I Could Only Be More Like a Sunflower… how true.

The basket of bread was gorgeous.

This picture of Super Sister’s table was taken after we finished setting up on Friday.  Be still by heart!  (Even the caterer wanted to know who did this table.)  The wreath around the globe and candle is beautiful.  I begged her to make me a wreath, and she did.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Here is a better picture of the wreath.

Super sister used little garden rakes from Target for the place card holders.  I think they were on the dollar aisle.  She painted the handle black, inserted a large packet of flower seeds (from Target) between the “fingers”, and then put our names on the seed packet.  Cute idea.  Favors were stick-it notepads with a black and silver bracelet.  Nice!  Take note of this idea.  SS glued a pretty button in the center of the flower used with the napkins.  It’s the details, y’all.

Jan really likes red more than yellow.  Yes, that is another wreath from Super Sister.  She made it for Jan for her birthday.  Don’t you wish you got birthday gifts like this.   This table was great.  It was so colorful.  Just to look at it made everyone happy.

Jan’s favors were chocolate covered strawberries.  Yummy!  The “crystal” plastic plates were from Hobby Lobby.  I like them, I love them, I want some of them.

Good food – chicken and grilled vegetables, parmesan mixed veggies, green salad, and a roll.  See those pieces of cake in the background.  Wish I had a piece right now.  So good!

Delightful company, delicious food, dramatic tablescapes, and an inspiring dedicated speaker (Iris Blue) combined for a blessed day to remember.  Thank you SS for inviting me.  Love you,

Blessings to you and yours,