Bobcat Breakfast 2012

Posted on: May 26, 2012        In: Gatherings        With: No comments

First the bad news.  I had to be at Brentfield Elementary around 7:00 a.m. this morning.  That is early!  It meant I was suppose to be awake before six.  Oh-o-oh.  It amazes me to think that I did that regularly for low those many years.

The Bobcat Breakfast was what got me out of the bed so early this morning.  The six grade students hosted a breakfast (trust me – parents do the work) for the former Brentfield students that will be graduating from high school next week.

You know the good news.  Seeing former students (seniors and six graders) and their parents is wonderful.  These students have so much going for them – handsome, beautiful, talented, friendly, caring… Several times the seniors advised the six graders to enjoy making new friends in junior high and high school, but to also remember their elementary school friends.

Yea, Austin’s going to Tech!  His Grandmother was one of my dearest friends.  He has a sweet mother and aunt also.

I remember Garrett had an Air Force General as a pen pal in second grade.  Now he want to major in sports management and manage the Red Socks.  (Hope I got the team right.)  I have no doubt he can do it.

Isn’t Libby beautiful!

Libby’s mother was one of the best room moms ever.

Everyone wanted their picture taken with Mr. Jeffery.  Jeffery got the biggest applause of the morning.  He loves the students and takes good care of the school.

Oh my, it is hard to believe that Rachel and Katie will be at Parkhill next year.  Sweet girls.

Brentfield Elementary is an unbelievable school.  Time and time again I  have seen the staff create miracles in student’s lives.  Teachers at Brentfield are always looking for ways to help students grow and learn.  It was an honor and privilege to teach along side some amazing educators.  How wonderful it was visit with friends again.

As usual, I was so busy visiting, and forgot to take more pictures.  Yes, it was worth the early morning wake-up call.

Blessings to all,