Posted on: Jun 15, 2012        In: Life and Love        With: No comments

VBS just ain’t what it used to be, ain’t what it used to be, ain’t what it used to be…

No longer do they march in behind the US flag, the Christian flag, and the Bible.  No longer do they say pledges to the flags and the Bible.  No longer do they have a hymn of the week.

What they do have is lots of loud fun, and workers that have worked very hard to share the love of Christ and the Gospel.  There was a lot of moving and shaking going on.

The theme of the week was Amazing Wonders.  Each class visited wonders of the world which illustrated God’s power and majesty.  Check out these wonderful decorations.

Great Barrier Reef

Paricutin Volcano

The Matterhorn – I do believe this room was decorations on steroids.  The entire room was transformed.  Amazing!

Jennifer is a great artist, and she did illustrations.

Victoria Falls

While Vacation Bible School aint  what it use to be, some things are still the same.

Children still hear Bible stories.  I am in awe of Karen.  I love hearing her teach the Bible lessons.  She is a natural storyteller.

Children still learn Bible verses.  All of the children could quote the Bible verses.

And, children still bring their pocket change for missions.  Money they collect this year will provide an education for school children in Haiti.  The need for schools is so great there, and $350.00 will supply enough money for a child to get to go to school for one year.  What a difference schooling can make in their lives.  So far the children have raised over $4,ooo.00, and they still have one day to go.

And, most importantly, children still hear the gospel story.  VBS is a good thing.

Okay y’all.  This was the best for me.  Not that I’m an overly proud grandmother, BUT Hot Rod had a part in the musical that was presented at open house.  You should have seen him standing up there with a mike on his head in front of all those people.  He was fabulous, stupendous, and certainly a star.  Truthfully, he did a fantastic job, and we are so proud of him.

Have you heard?  Hot Rod is an air guitar champ.  Really!  He won a contest at Sea World.  Tonight he showed off his skills during one of the musical numbers.  Too cute!

Be still my heart!  He melts my heart.  Oh, how I love this charming, sweet boy.

I am blessed.

Blessings to you and yours,

How do you keep them from growing up?  I don’t think I can stand it..