The High Road to Santa Fe – Historic Missions

Posted on: Jul 6, 2012        In: Life and Love        With: No comments

It was a long wonderful day.  We had to get up early to get the on the road. As I understand it, we took the scenic High Road to Santa Fe.  On the way there were stops at some of the most interesting missions.

San Jose de Gracia de Las Trampas has been called “the most perfectly preserved Spanish Colonial church in the United States.”  The settlement of Trampas dates back to 1751.  The parishioners contributed one sixth of their yearly earnings and did all the work themselves to build San Jose de Gracia.  The church which has two towers and four foot thick walls was completed in  1776. (How about that?)  It is located on NM 76 between Penasco and Truchas.

El Santuario de Chimayo is sometimes referred to as the Lourdes of America.  Each year around 300,000 pilgrims come to this “masterpiece of Spanish Colonial architecture built on earth said to have miraculous healing powers.” (Historic Churches of Taos and Northern New Mexico)   It is located in the village of Chimayo in the foothills of the Sangre de Christo mountains of New Mexico.  The Shrine is the last surviving fortified plaza in the United States.  The plaza is wonderful, and there is a tranquil feeling here.

A poem on the wall of the “Holy Dirt” room reads:  “If you are a stranger, if you are weary from the struggles in life, whether you have a handicap, weather you have a broken heart, follow the long mountain road, find a home in Chimayo”.

Individual crosses are placed on the rock crosses in the plaza.  What are the stories behind the crosses left behind?

Roseries along with candles and flowers are placed on the stone wall.  More stories.  Touching.

Art is everywhere.  This mural was on a wall on a side building.  I love it.

On the Holy Family of Chimayo website the following is their suggestion for praying using the “Holy Dirt.”  I do not know how I feel about the “Holy Dirt”, but this seems like a good pattern of prayer for any of us.  I like it and want to share it with you. It made me think about how I pray.

First:  Bring silence to your heart and mind.  Try to listen beyond yourself, your own worries and concerns.  Jesus says: “Do not be afraid.”  with fear in our hearts we cannot recognize, much less listen to Him.

Second:  Humbly acknowledge your weaknesses, mistakes, sins, and illnesses.

Third:  Tell God that you need Him, His wisdom, His strength, His guidance, His forgiveness, His love and healing.

Fourth:  Share with God your wishes, but also tell him to show you His plan and will for you.

Fifth:  Ask for understanding and courage to face whatever God has planned for you.

Sixth:  Rub the Holy Dirt over the part of your body in need of healing while you invoke the name of Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  You finish the prayer with:

Glory be to the Father

and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit


Life is a journey, and I am so thankful Christ is with me along the way.

Blessings to you and yours,