
Posted on: Oct 15, 2012        In: Life and Love        With: No comments

Telling you about Buckner is so much fun.  Members of the Living Stones and Albers Men’s Class from First Baptist Church Richardson have a good time, and we feelno -we know we are doing something worthwhile.

In September, we sorted school supplies to go to Peru. When we were volunteering in October, Alex (the young man in charge of volunteers) told us that the school supplies were arriving in Peru that week, and when we come again in November, we will get to hear a report about that mission trip.  How cool is that?  Never in a million years did I imagine that we would be able to hear “the rest of the story”.

Here is the beginning of the October story.  We sorted shoes – lots and lots of shoes.

Shoes for baby boys, boys, and men.

Shoes for baby girls, girls, and women.

Ann kept the ladies table supplied with shoes.  You can tell she is having fun.  There were twinkle toe shoes, boots made for walking shoes, but mostly athletic shoes – nice athletic shoes.  They were good quality and stylish.  It was impressive how generous people were.  Remember – Shoes are so important.  They allow children to get an education (Children can’t go to school unless they wear shoes.), and help prevent diseases.  

James and Robert were hard at work.  First they made sure the tags are off the shoes.  Then the laces were stored in the shoes.  The shoes were held together with those big rubber bands.  Finally a note is placed in the shoes.  Easy Breezy.  Then the shoes are placed in the bins according to size groupings.  The shoes will be sorted two more times before they are shipped.  Talk about attention to detail.

The favorite note of the day came from a little boy named Jake.

It reads, “Hi I’m Jake.  My cat is Bud.”  Then the words to  “Jesus Loves Me” were written.   How sweet is that!  At some church, an adult helped Jake with his note.  To put a face with the shoes was touching.  Jake is lucky to be learning missions at such a young age.  Imagine a child getting shoes with this note inside.  Thrills my heart!

I think this was show and tell time.  Being with this group is a blessing.

Never doubt.  We did work.

Robert and Ever-Lovin’ worked.

Let it be known – Work was done.  Sweet Mother of Pearl!  See this BIG empty box.  Would you believe that this group emptied three of these monsters in one morning.  We were good.

Hunter and his mom joined us.  Hunter goes to a school that requires service hours – good idea!  He came to Buckner rather than go to the fair.  This kid was amazing – personality plus. (I think his mom is a super mom – she would have to be to have such a wonderful son.)

This is the Buckner Gang in October.  Join us on November 7, 2012 (It is the first Wednesday of each month= except in December).  You will be blessed.

Blessings to you and yours,