HomeGoods Grand Opening – Austin

Posted on: Nov 26, 2012        In: Gatherings        With: No comments

I am a little ashamed to write this, but….

Back in the day, there was a group of us that thought we could have easily been an advertisement  for  T.J.Maxx.  We shopped and shopped T.J.’s (We were on the first name basis with T.J.Maxx.) for all the best bargains.  It was during this time that I got Wedgwood Creamware, Blue Room Spode, Royal Winton Chintz, Christmas collectables and more and more and more.  Papa Gibson called us the “Material Girls”.  Those of you who are not into “stuff” will have a hard time understanding our shopping for entertainment.  I mean this honestly, you are greatly to be admired.

More than once the “Material Girls” stood in line in anticipation of a Grand Opening of one of the new T.J. stores.  The new stores were always well stocked, and sold primo “stuff”.  There were good bargains, and it was so much fun.

Recently we have not shopped T.J.s as much because the bargains have not been as good, and we don’t need as much “stuff”.  Still we enjoy occasionally going into a T.J.’s , and their sister stores – Marshall’s and HomeGoods – to see what they have to offer.

Fast forward to my recent trip to Austin with Super Sister.  Sweet Mother of Pearl.  I could not believe it.  There was a HomeGoods Grand Opening.  Just hearing of the Grand Opening brought back such fond memories.  We could not resist the party.

Super Sister and I were ready.  We got there early – the big crane was hanging the Now Open banner – but they really were not open for another forty-five minutes.

The time passed quickly as we all visited and played games on our phones.

I had to walk to the front of the line to peek in the window.  Be still my heart.  The shelves were full of good looking “stuff”.

Personable clerks tried to encourage shoppers to apply for a credit card.  At this time, there were no takers.

I wasn’t the only one taking pictures.

Show Time!  The doors were opened, and everyone entered peacefully.

This is what greeted us – aisles and aisles of Christmas decorations and furniture.

Housewares, linens, kitchenware, and more, and more, and more.

After this picture, I was too busy shopping to take any more pictures.  I will tell you that when we got in line to check-out, the line wrapped around three-fourths of the store.  I think they had a good sales day. Super Sister went back the next day to see if they had restocked the shelves.  Sadly, the answer was no.  In these stores, if you see it and like it, you had better buy it, because they might not get it again.

Blessings to you and yours,

I do preach to myself –  Matthew 6: 19-21

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

I enjoy shopping and buying, but I never want these activities to control me.  I yearn “to store up treasures in heaven.”