The Well

Posted on: Apr 2, 2013        In: Gatherings        With: No comments

On the website for the Well (click HERE to view the website), I found this information:

Welcome to the Well:

We are a community of people working to bring love and health to adults recovering from serious mental illness.

“Jesus said, ‘People soon become thirsty again after drinking water. But the water I give takes away thirst altogether. It becomes a well of water within, giving life.’ ”    –  John 4:13-14

I have written before about the Well, and how our former Bible Study teacher and friend, Claudia, is working to  help adults with metal illnesses.  Claudia is amazing.  In all that she does, she seeks to honor and serve the Lord.  (And don’t tell her I told you this, but she is a young older person.)  When Claudia read that we were serving a meal at Mercy Street, she asked if the Living Stones could possible bring a monthly meal to the Well.  I jumped at the chance –

Luke 14: 12-14  Then Jesus said to his host, “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. 13But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”

This is what Jesus commanded us to do.  It was exciting to plan our first First Monday Luncheon for the Well. As usual, the Living Stones and Albers’ Bible Fellowship classes willing volunteered to help.  

From Richardson to Cliff Temple Baptist Church in Oak Cliff, we traveled to party, and we did have a grand time.
The menu was almost like an Easter meal.
  • Ham with Spicy Cherry Sauce (click HERE for the sauce recipe)
  • Garden Salad with Homemade Ranch Dressing (click HERE for the recipe)
  • Pioneer Woman’s Creamy Mashed Potatoes (click HERE for the recipe) – made by Excellent Cook Nancy.  The potatoes were a success.  I think one person had three or more servings.
  • A roll
  • And a fantastic chocolate cake made by Judy T.  (She promises to give me the recipe, and I promise to share it with you.  The rich icing with a touch of coffee is beyond good.)  The guest were raving about the cake, and they were very complimentary about the entire meal.
This was an easy menu, and it traveled well.  Sweet Mother of Pearl. It was good, if I say so myself.
It was a pleasure to sit by this fine gentleman.  He told me that getting out of his house and coming to the Well helps.  He mentioned that if he stayed inside his house and did nothing, he would be depressed.  It was impressive that he has a garden where he grows tomatoes and peppers.  I think he has a green thumb.
I believe this young man’s name is Reed.  He works with Claudia at the Well.  One of the ladies wanted me to be sure and take his picture so she could have a copy. Here it is.
Here are Claudia and Ann.  We loved being able to see Claudia again.
People heard we were serving food, and they came to eat.  I liked it.  I loved it.  
Friend BB enjoyed visiting with these ladies.
Dan is the man in the middle.  He usually is in charge of food, and he is a success story.  He was so much help to us.  Thank you Dan.
Judy D and friends were having a good time.
The people at the Well are so friendly.  They laughed and joked, and we had the best time.
This couple were so cute together.  She mentioned, “My husband was once a chef, and he declared your meal very, very good.  And if he says it’s good.  It is good.  He knows good food.”)  Then she told me about his recipe for pasta.  Sounded wonderful.
This gentleman was being funny.  He made me laugh.
BB and her new friend Donna (I do hope that is correct).

It was exciting to meet Jessica.  She is an hairdresser, and she is going to begin volunteering at the Well to help the ladies with their hair.  How fantastic!

This young man let us “talk him into eating.”

 Everyone was willing to have their picture taken.  Made my life easier.
Bob knows how to vacuum.  It was funny.  He said he was a good house-husband.  Way to go Ann.
There are computers for work and enjoyment.
Many of the people who come to the Well are artist.  One man has done this mural out of plaster.  His work is beautiful.
As we wer leaving, I met James.  He is also an artist.  I do hope he comes to lunch next month.  I would like to visit with him more.
Thank you to all the gang who made this a wonderful day.
Blessings to you and yours,
Two of the staff member from the Well were in Austin speaking in favor of a bill that would help agencies that are trying desperately to help adults with mental illness.  Funds are scarce to put it politely.