A Night in Hollywood … Brentfield Style

Posted on: May 3, 2013        In: Life and Love        With: No comments

Brentfield’s Got Talent.  In fact, they have so much talent they have to have the talent show on two nights.  This year’s theme was A Night in Hollywood … Brentfield Style.  I have no doubt that one day one or more of these children will be a star.

Each year the Brentfield Talent Show is a fund raiser for the fifth grade.  They raise money for activities and projects they will be doing in sixth grade.  Each fifth grader had to participate in some way, and they all did an awesome job.


The emcees were dressed for the runway and were so cute.  On this night, there were at least eight emcees.


The show began with little Brooklyn singing I Feel Pretty.  She was precious and could sing.  It didn’t hurt that she had a group of back-up singers from Pearce High School (Her mother teaches at Pearce.)


Dancers were lively and entertaining .  They have so much energy.


Several students demonstrated their jump rope skills.  How do they do that?


Be still my heart.  Roark’s trumpet solo was amazing.  It is hard to believe that someone this young can play that well.


Dancie was another young performer who did herself proud.  She has personality plus she can sing.


These boys demonstrated their martial arts skills.  The entire routine was choreographed to the theme from Star Wars.


Sweet Mother of Pearl.  This was one of the favorite acts of the evening – synchronized swimming.  I liked it.  I loved it.


I had no idea that Hot Rod’s friend Sam could sing.  He has a beautiful voice and did a great job.


Here is a better picture of Sam.  He was all smiles after his performance.


The mystery act  (It was really the teachers – do not let anyone know I told you.) was funny and entertaining.  Yes, they did the entire routine with their arms up and pillowcases over their heads.  They were fantastic.  Teachers going the extra mile for the school really speaks volumes about the school.


The night was a family night for Number One Son’s family.  Number One Son was in charge of the sound, and I was impressed.  You could actually hear the students.  Great Job!


His sweet wife Mikel was in charge of the spotlight.  Before the program, she mentioned that this is one of her favorite things to do.  Since she was managing the spotlight, I was aware of it.  Sweet Mother of Pearl.  Mikel did a fantastic job.  The light was shining brightly in the right places, and it wasn’t jerking around the stage.  I do not think I could ever do that.  Wow!


Truthfully, we attended the talent show because Hot Rod was singing.


He is our rock star.  He sang a Bon Jovi song – Wanted Dead or Alive.  They assured me it was appropriate.


Yes, this is Hot Rod’s favorite admirer speaking, but he has stage presence and can sing.


Super job Hot Rod!


What a joy it was to see former students and friends.  I remember when Ruby was a baby.  Now she is a beautiful young lady who can sing.  She looked so pretty in the mermaid dress.   Talent runs in their family.  Her mother Stacy was responsible for the decorations.  Amazing.


Ruby also wanted me to be sure to get her picture with Gracie who was an excellent emcee.  It is hard to believe how grown -up they are. What a wonderful family.


Brooklyn and three other sixth grade girls performed with cups.  They had rhythm.  Brooklyn is a dear sweet child.  She was a joy to have in class, and it was wonderful to see her again.

So much talent is at Brentfield.  Thanks to all the performers for a wonderful evening.

Blessings to you and yours,