More Touches of Fall

Posted on: Oct 10, 2013        In: Life and Love        With: No comments

This is the way I remember it, and I am sticking to my story.

Educational movies were not abundant back in the early 1950’s.  The schools in Andrews were certainly “modern” by the standards of the day, and they had a movie projector – but few movies to show.


The teachers showed the same movies over, and over, and over.  I am certain we viewed the movie about fall in New England every October during our primary grade years.  To be honest, I only remember this one movie (though there were certainly more).  This particular movie depicted the changing fall season in New England – in black and white no less.  I longed to be like the little girl in the movie.  She wore a plaid dress with a white Peter Pan collar.  The little boy had on jeans, a plaid shirt, and a jacket.  The falling autumn leaves drifted over and onto their heads as they romped and crunched through the leaves.  The movie was narrated, and it told of the wonders of the changing season.  Trouble was.  This was nothing like autumn in Andrews, Texas.  Andrews was not the home of many trees. (Mesquites do not count.)  Autumn in Andrews, Texas meant – the start of school, football season, and that the temperature was no longer over 100 degrees.

By the way, the best part of the movie was when the teachers would play the film backwards to rewind the reel.  The leaves would fly back up to the branches, and the characters ran and jumped backwards.  It was a hoot!  Sometimes the teachers would even play the movie a second time, and run it backwards again.  We thought it wonderful.  Now I realize the teachers were just biding time so they wouldn’t have to teach for the rest of the afternoon.  Plus – once the teacher had finally and successfully threaded the movie projector, they had completed their work for the day.  (Voice of experience – I do remember the frustration.)

All this is to say – I do love autumn and enjoy seeing the changing colors of the seasons – something I missed while growing up in Andrews.  Fall is in the air, and I love fall displays.


Sweet Mother of Pearl.  This is so wonderful.  It was the first sign of fall in the neighborhood, and I love it.  The scarecrow is comfortable sitting in the swing surrounded by pumpkins.


This wooden bowl filled with autumn foliage is resting on the window ledge over our sink.  The bright cheerful pumpkins, gourds and leaves make me happy.


In the entry, Granny’s (Ever-Lovin’s grandmother) copper planter holds fall pretties.  Note to self:  I think if I would add some twigs to these arrangements it would be a good thing.


Pumpkins, acorns and fall leaves fill the tray on the table by the window.  I particularly like the green leaves that are just beginning to change color.

This is a thankful time, and I feel blessed.

Blessings to you and yours,