Refugee Services of Texas

Posted on: Jan 31, 2014        In: Life and Love        With: No comments

I learned something today.  There is an agency in town called Refugee Services of Texas.

“A refugee is a person who has been forced to leave his/her country because of a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, or participation in a particular social or political group.  Unlike immigrants, refugees have no choice but to abandon their homes and flee to a second country where they must apply for refugee status.  Once refugees are screened and granted permission to resettle to the United States, they are assigned to a resettlement agency.” (From the Refugee Services of Texas brochure)


The ladies of Alpha Delta Kappa (ADK – an honorary sorority for women educators) donated diapers, wipes, and money to the Refugee Services of Texas as their altruistic project for the month of January.  As teachers in the Richardson school, we have seen firsthand the needs of refugees.  The back of Jenny’s SUV was full.


Thankfully a cute, muscular, and ever-so-nice young man came to help us with our stash.


It wasn’t easy, but he did it.


It was amazing to see the different languages on the reception window.

photo 1-2 copy

Inside we met Rob (center) who is the Area Director for Refugee Services of Texas.  He is a MK (missionary kid) who quickly told us that people do not have to go to other countries to serve Christ.  People from other countries are all around us.


On average, it takes seven years between the time the refugees leave their homeland, and the time they are given refugee status in America.  It is a long slow process.  The service center provides help with the refugees resettlement.  They meet them at the airport and deliver them to their new home.  Then they begin the process of integrating the refugees into our American society and achieving self-sufficiency as quickly as possible.  They are helped with job placement, counseling, financial assistance, community orientations, and education.  It sounds like a massive job.

Rob mentioned that they like to relocate refugees into Richardson because of our good schools and safe environment.  He was interested to know that First Baptist Church Richardson and other churches in the area offer English classes.

Going to the Refugee Services of Texas Service Center was touching.  So many people have had unimaginable struggles, and then they are trying to make a new life in a strange land.

Blessings to you and yours,

I could not help but think of Matthew 25: 35-36

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.

Click HERE to go to their website to learn more.