Badwill Shopping

Posted on: Jun 21, 2014        In: Out and About        With: No comments

Every time I go into a thrift shop, I cannot help but think about the time I told Robert that Thrift City was like Goodwill only bad.  He replied, “Oh, it’s a Badwill Store.”  Thus, we now think of thrift store shopping as “Badwill Hunting”.  Recently I have had the “Badwill Hunting” itch.  I miss going to thrift shops.  I also enjoy shopping garage sales.  So….  This week I went to Thrift City and to a couple of garage sales.



I do believe this cabinet started my “itch”.  It was out in the alley awaiting the trash.  Yes, it is like “dumpster diving”.  I could not believe that it was out there, and I called Ever-Lovin’ to go get it before it was gone.  NOW, this is not a vintage cabinet.  It is trash.  It is made of fiber board and plastic, but it looks the look, and it works well for towels out by the pool.  The thrill of the find was once again ignited.

Martha Stewart

Then at the church garage sale, I found this vintage (1983) Martha Stewart cookbook.  I read cookbooks like other people read novels, and again I was thrilled with my fifty cent find.  (I did have to report to Ever-Lovin’ all the items I passed up at the sale.  Somehow I feel the need to justify my obsession. )

What I found at Thrift City was not especially noteworthy.


There was a badly tarnished champagne bucket which I dearly love, and a square silver-plated tray.  The two blue bottles were bought in anticipation of the bottle tree I want to have someday.

The blue bottles are responsible for my rant of the day.  Who is pricing the items at the thrift stores?  Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason.  Valuable items are too reasonable, and low-end items have high price tags.  The bottles were (in my opinion) too expensive for a thrift shop.  For crying-out-loud, they are used wine bottles.  One was $7.99 and the other was priced at $5.99.  Get real.  Only because they had a sale on the glassware – BOGO – did I purchase these bottles.


THEN:  The champagne bucket came with a lid that did to match.  I tried to tell the clerk, but she didn’t want the lid either.  Now I have a silver-plated lid to nothing in my home.  Do you think I could hang it on the wall?

I did stop at a couple of garage sales this morning.  Again, one woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure.


For $1.00 I got a good looking vase.


At the next sale, I got these cute patriotic stars to put in the fern by the front door.  All three were only $1.00,


For $2.00, I got two patriotic baskets that I plan to use during our yearly Fourth of July gathering.

Maybe I will hit the sales again soon.  There are treasures to be found.

Blessings to you and yours,