VBS + Plus – 2014

Posted on: Jun 24, 2014        In: Life and Love        With: No comments

Vacation Bible School brings back such fond memories.  A bazillion years ago, we marched into the sanctuary and said pledges to the American flag, the Christian flag and the Bible.  In our classrooms, we heard Bible stories, memorized Bible verses, heard character stories, and ate snow cones.  Oh, how I looked forward to the snow cones.  We also had a craft of the week.  I am sure I have forgotten or mis-remembered some things, but….


It is a somewhat different story now days.  The assemblies are filled with loud jiving music, and they hear about missionaries and what they are doing throughout our world.  The children collect an offering for missions.  In the elaborately decorated classrooms, the children listen to Bible stories, memorize Bible verses, and do daily crafts.  They get a treat, but no snow cones.  (It would be impossible to make that many snow cones.)


A super neat addition to present day Vacation Bible Schools are the afternoon camps.  For a small fee, children could sign up for a Music Camp or a Sports Camp.  Hot Rod chose to enroll in the Music Camp.  This camp supported the music in the daily assemblies, and prepared a musical.  In less than a week, they learned the music and their parts for the musical that they presented on Thursday night.  How they did this in less than a week, I will never know.  The teachers deserve stars in their crowns.


This year’s musical was Agency D3 Discover Decide Defend.  It was like Mission Impossible.


Hot Rod was the boss.


The agents Discovered what scriptures say about Jesus, and presented reasons they Decided to follow Him.  In the end, they realized their job was also to Defend the faith, and share the Good News.  Honestly, I was amazed at the clear presentation of the Gospel.  I am impressed with what the children did and learned.


I was so proud of all the children – especially our Hot Rod.

Blessings to you and yours,

One of the workers in this years VBS mentioned that a large number of children that came to Bible School this year were not involved in other churches.  What an opportunity this provides First Baptist Church Richardson and these children.

Proverbs 22:6 (NIV)

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.