Back Yard

Posted on: Jun 26, 2014        In: Life and Love        With: No comments

A friend’s mother had a saying, “If you buy a doorknob, you have to buy a house to go with it.”

I love this adage, and think it so true.

I began working on the potting table, and then….


It was very evident that other areas needed improvement.  Suddenly I was on a mission – Either use what I had or get rid of it.  Use it or lose it was the mentality.


The metal bench needed a coat of paint.  DSC_4075

Okay, the shelf in the corner still houses sprays and candles, but it has been spruced up a bit.


In the garage, we discovered the Texas dinner bell that had never been hung.  I like it.  I love it.


The fern had been on the bench under the tree, but a watering can and other plants were added.  The standing plant stand was also given new life.  Miss Jane suggested putting caladiums in the plant stand, and I think it works well.  Thank you very much!


There is a bare space on the fence between the shrubs.


Clay pots filled with sedum were placed in the old rusty plant stands.  (Again, these were stored away and destined for Goodwill if not used.)  These plants should trail and give this area a little interest. (Says Miss Jane)


The fence that hides the pool equipment now has a set of three crosses holding succulents.  (Yes, we have a vintage fence.)


This white metal stand had a broken leg.  I hated to throw it away, so with great effort, we (Well, I did lend moral support.) removed the other legs and now it sits flat on the ground.  Potted flowers were added, and the blank space in the rose bed is now filled.


A couple of more pots of flowers were added, and the bench painted.  I tell you the truth.  The plants are blooming more since the yard has been spruced up.  They like being shown some attention.

Blessings to you and yours,

Thank you Miss Jane for your consultations and support.



