July 4th – The Food

Posted on: Jul 10, 2014        In: Gatherings        With: No comments

They brought the most delicious food. – They being the dear friends and family that came on July 4th to celebrate.  For a pot-luck meal, things worked out very well.  We has the best variety of yummy foods.

All of these dishes accompanied the Hot Dog Bar.

I am sharing this because maybe it will give you ideas when you need to take a dish to a party.  You certainly can learn from these good cooks.  I am just listing the menu, but let it be known that everything was wonderful!


Cucumbers and tomatoes – Evelyn brought this humongous dish filled with the perfect summer side dish.  It was delicious and refreshing.

A friend who does not like to be named brought locally grown tomatoes – yummy!

July 4

Miss Jane brought a spinach salad with strawberries and pecans – I love this combination.

July 4

Marinated cucumbers from Miss Jane’s garden were great.  John requested she bring these because he likes them.  I do too.

Deviled eggs are one of Ever-Lovin’s top favorite foods.  He was a happy man when he found out Wynette was bringing deviled eggs and even happier when he was eating them.

July 4

Watermelon is a must for a July 4th celebration, and these slices were perfect.  People like Tonna and Winston who are from Hope, Arkansas know watermelons.

July 4

Mrs. Ralph’s baked beans were a crowd pleaser.

July 4

Mikel’s potato salad was so good!  I could have eaten this entire bowl.

My bad. – I thought I had pictures of everything, but….

Also on this counter was the Perini Ranch Green Chilies Hominy Casserole that Betty made.  It was every bit as good as the casserole we had at Perini Ranch.  She is going to give me the recipe, and I will share.

Also not pictured – Carol brought the best sliced cantaloupe.  She knows how to pick a good cantaloupe.


The veggie tray was unused at Jim’s office party.  We were thrilled to have it.

Guacamole, Pico de Gallo and hot sauce were also on this table with an assortment of chips.

July 4

Red, white and blue cupcakes were festive.  Friend BB brought these, because everyone loves cupcakes.

July 4

Sheila is know for her presentation, and this flag of strawberries and blueberries with sweet fruit sauce was impressive.  Angel Food Cake was provided as a base for the berries and cream.  It was as delicious as it was pretty.

July 4

Pina Colada Blondies and S’more makings were also on this table.

As you can tell, we had enough food to feed Cox’s Army, and everything was wonderful.

Many, many thanks to all who brought food.  You are the best!

Blessings to you and yours,