Market Street

Posted on: Dec 20, 2012        In: Out and About        With: No comments

Dear friend Marsha is my number one cheerleader.  She often comments on my posts, and gives me encouragement.  Her comment name is marshachristmas.  Isn’t that precious?  Every time I am with her I feel like I have received a gift.  She is one remarkable woman, and I am proud to know her.

A little over a week ago Marsha was so kind and brought us an Olesen’s Kringle Filled Danish Pastery she had bought at Market Street.  Now there are no Market Street grocery stores anywhere in Richardson, and I do not know if there are any in Dallas.  The Danish was delicious – d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s!   (Ever-Lovin’ thought Marsha said she got the Danish at World Market, and I high-tailed it the very next day to World Market to buy more.  They were not there.)  When I talked with Marsha she informed me that it was Market Street in Allen. OH!!

Then Ever-Lovin’ and I made a special trip to Market Street to buy Kringle Danishes.  When we got there, I was blown away.  This is one nice place.  There were food bars with soups, salads, and entrées.  There was a fudge bar, and the cutest cookies in the bakery.

What really caught my attention were the floral department and the gift shop.  A flocked tree filled with pink and blue.  Very unusual and festive.

The deco mesh certainly makes a bold impression.

The hydrangeas look so good next to the poinsettias.  I like it.  I love it.

Right there in the Market Street grocery store was maybe the best looking Christmas gift shop I had seen this season, and it is stocked with good things.

Fast forward to today —

Today, I shopped ALL day.  All day long, while I was shopping, I kept thinking that at the end of the shopping day, I would get to stop by Market Street and take pictures for this blog.

When I walked into Market Street, they even have a concierge desk – in a grocery story.  I ask the lady at the dest if I could take pictures, and she said, “Okay”.

I got out my trusty camera, and began taking pictures.   Then Boss man came.  He was a little rude (well maybe more than a little rude), and made me feel like a criminal.  “Who are you with?  Why are you taking pictures?”  I tried to explain that I was a small time blogger that wanted to share information about their Kringle Danishes, the floral department, and the gift shop,
that I had asked the pretty lady at the concierge desk if I could take pictures, and was told it was okay.   He informed me that he was her “Boss”, and it was not allowed.  Okay….

Allow me to vent a little.  They have surveillance cameras on me from the parking lot throughout the store ( I am not against these cameras because I know they identify criminals).  They also want to force me to “join” their rewards programs (with all my private information – which I am sure they share) in order to buy items at lower prices.  But a little known blogger can not take pictures even when her purpose is to promote their store?  Go figure.

Boss man even had employes follow me as I shopped – it is the truth.  (The kid with the pricing gun, never once checked a price.  They are not very good spies.)  I am such a threat.

Never-the-less, the Kringle filled Danishes, the floral department, and the gift shop are beyond good, and I wanted to share.  The Danishes come in three flavors – cream filled, apple cinnamon, and pecan.  Yummy!

Yes, I will go back to Market Street.  I want to buy those cute cookies for the Greats (nieces, nephew, and Hot Rod) Christmas Tea, and who knows when I will need to buy a Kringle Danish.

Blessings to you and yours,

I know Boss man was doing his job – doing it poorly in my opinion.  I do wish he had not made me feel like one of American’s Most Wanted – hurt my feelers.